The Next Big Thing?

Black Cards
I was never a fan of Fall Out Boy but the fact that Pete Wentz’s new band has a female singer was enough to intrigue me to hear what their music’s like. Surprisingly, I really like it! According to Wikipedia the intention was to mix reggae with electro-pop, which I’m not sure they’ve achieved (the last reggae song I heard didn’t sound much like this!), but the result is nonetheless ten times better than anything Pete’s been involved in before. They have two tracks online so far, but neither actually seem to be singles. Club Called Heaven does have a reggae sound (of sorts) but isn’t a patch on the similar-but-amazing London by Little Majorette. I prefer the newer song, Dr Jekyll & Mr Fame, which packs a lot more punch and sounds like a mixture of Robyn and Alcazar. A pretty amazing combination, I think you’ll agree!
Hit potential: 53% Poptasticness: 76%

Willow Smith
When everyone started talking about how ace Willow Smith was, I was dubious. Will Smith is not exactly my favourite person in the world, so why should I care about his daughter? But I was missing the point – she is a 9 year old female rapper! I love female rappers and I love children singing pop music. This is like Aaron Carter meets Lisa Left Eye. Of course it’s amazing! The single, Whip My Hair, is a bit repetitive but its cool, current sound makes Willow way more interesting and gives her a broader audience than a child popstar should have. However, the most important point here is the video – surely one of the best of the year so far? At the moment only one Willow song is available online, so I’ll reserve judgement on her as an artist until I’ve heard more, but after seeing her video I can say that I’m very excited. She even sounds a bit like Amy Diamond when she sings!
Hit potential: 88% Poptasticness: 81%


  1. Can you be an artist at 9 years old? Really? I'm sure she is not making any artistic decisions.
    Good luck to her. I hope this too early entry into the craziness of fame doesn't eff her up.
    When I first heard the song a month or so ago I found it the most annoying thing I've heard in a long time. Then I found out who it was and I was dumbfounded that someone like Will Smith would allow it. Having said that there are kids who turn out fine from such things. We have just heard so much bad over the years. And I do like Amy Diamond. I had no idea how young she was for a long time.


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