Singles Wars

First for a round-up of the last Singles Wars results and an apology for last week’s neglect of Dirrrty Pop. The week before last was very busy for new singles with Lucie Silvas leading our 4 featured singles in the official top 40 at no.7 followed by the Dirrrty Pop favourite (getting a massive 32 votes) Brandy’s Afrodisiac at 11 and our 2nd favourite, Personal Jesus by Marilyn Manson, at no.13. Still not getting the success she deserves is Estelle who stalled at no.15, although the DP readers did agree and also place her last of the 4 with only 9 votes.

There are no good single by the big names in pop this week so I’ve gone for a few on the more indie side. First we have the Hidden Cameras supported by Nick:

Hidden Cameras – I Believe In The Good Life

The Hidden Cameras’ singer Joel Gibb describes this as “our pop single”, a sentiment which seems to be borne out by the fact that it’s (a) spot-on three-and-a-half minutes long (they’ve been reading the rules) and (b) every bit as gay as you would expect, in both the ‘happy-happy-happy-uplifting-running-around-a-church-hall-with-no-clothes-on’ kind of way and the more traditional ‘as a window’ sense. Possibly a stained glass window depicting scenes of Gibb kneeling for “the taste of a man” washed down with “a taste of wine”; whether or not the wine comes from the same tap is anyone’s guess.

Five blowjobs later, and the church hall rings with the sound of unapologetically mansexual life-affirming string-plucking hand-clapping musical jubilation. As ever, they’re too busy actually doing the sex and having the fun to start campaigning, and rightly so. Another Hidden Cameras song about the healing powers of fellatio, then, but it’s a message that The People need to hear over and over and over and over again, just in case. Besides, it’s more fun than Lourdes.

Getting all trendy and electro now, we have the lovely Dennis with his reasons for Mylo being the best single out this week:

Mylo – Drop The Pressure

Ah yes, Mylo. Gosh, it’s taken you Brits a while to release this single, hasn’t it? Oh well, it’s still just as good as when you last spazzed out to it in a club – i.e. probably any time you’ve set foot in one sometime in the last, ooh, six months? You know the one, it goes “motherfucker’s gonna drop the pressure”. And it has a never-ending break (or middle eight, if we’re talking pop) that makes your head explode.

Let’s look at the evidence why this is easily the best single out this week then, shall we? 1. It comes with a plethora of ace remixes by people like Erol Alkan and Felix da Housecat, and they’re still not as good as the original. 2. It has a suitably bonkers video. 3. Mylo’s not entirely unfit, if you like your Scots with not a lot of hair and a five o’clock shadow. 3. Mylo is a very consistent power forward in outstanding shape (well, Googlism says so). 4. It’s not “In your arms”. Oh no, hang on. That’s a reason why this is the wrong single for Mylo to be releasing, isn’t it? Oh well.

It was very difficult for me to decide who to support this week as there was no-one I felt really strongly about, so I’ve chosen a band who I usually love despite them not being anywhere near at their best:

Freeform Five – Eeeeaaoowww

I first heard of this group when I downloaded their last single Strangest Things from the excellent mp3 blog Flux Blog and fell in love with it instantly. It reminded me of something BT would do, particularly his collaborations with JC Chasez or Rose McGowan, but if it had been on the (very good) JC album it still would have been a stand-out track, and still one of the rudest. Freeform Five, who have been around releasing vinyl-only singles in a trendy ‘underground’ way for several years already, have an album of their own out on Monday and the cover makes it look very much worth buying.

Now it’s time for you to decide which single is your favourite, or in this week’s case, probably the only one you’ve heard. Vote away:


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