New Pop on the Block

The Midnight Beast – Booty Call (Listen)
This indie-pop-rap trio are a bit like a British 3OH!3 – equally obnoxious but with jokes that are actually quite funny and much catchier songs. I can’t help but smile when listening to The Midnight Beast, and I’m pleased to say I think singer Stefan Abingdon and Dru Wakely (both formerly of The Clik Clik and Perfect People) are finally onto a winner with this one. The third member, posh young actor Ashley Horne, also provides some of the band’s funniest moments. I think they’ll really strike a chord with middle class British teenagers and with choruses this catchy I’m all for it! Also check out their brilliant Ke$ha cover.
92% Poptastic!

Taylor Swift – Mine (Listen)
A lot of artists could learn a lesson from how Taylor Swift (or her people, at least) has handled the leak of her new single. It was supposed to premiere next week, but instead leaked to the internet a few days ago. Rather than lose millions in revenue, as so many artists do in such situations, the single was released to iTunes early, which also conveniently gave it extra publicity due to the leakage drama. Now onto the song itself, and I must say I’m highly impressed. Mine is another self-penned track, a continuation of the sound of her previous album, and thankfully it’s just as good as the consistently brilliant songs on Fearless. Her existing fans will be very happy, and since she is one of the biggest selling artists of the last few years she has no need to win over anyone new. Congratulations Taylor – it’s another surefire hit.
95% Poptastic!


  1. Did you know that Tove Styrke made her first live appearance with Million Pieces on Swedish TV the other night?

    She has also given a few interviews lately, so now we know that her album will be out in November. Apart from Adam Olenius, she is working with Patrik Berger (co-writer of Robyn’s Dancing On My Own).

  2. Did you know that Tove Styrke made her first live appearance with Million Pieces on Swedish TV the other night?

    She has also given a few interviews lately, so now we know that her album will be out in November. Apart from Adam Olenius, she is working with Patrik Berger (co-writer of Robyn’s Dancing On My Own).

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