International Video Challenge

Representing Turkey: Mustafa Sandal – All My Life
If you’re missing Eurovision, you’re in luck cos I’ve found a song that epitomises recent Eastern male entries. It’s got everything – ethnic sounds, very basic lyrics, a semi-handsome singer cavorting with a lady-friend and doing a bit of random dancing in a majestic building. It’s not the greatest song ever but if you can’t wait for next May this should keep you going for a while.

Representing Indonesia: Anggun – Saviour
Despite being Indonesian living in France, Anggun somehow manages to sound just like Dutch angst-popper Anouk, although sadly this isn’t up to the high standards of songs such as Girl and Nobody’s Wife. I suppose it might be good enough for an album track. Still, it is a slight improvement on the usual r’n’b-lite Anggun produces and it’s quite amusing to here this kind of angsting from a dainty French (sort of) pop star.

Representing the USA: The Spinto Band – Oh Mandy
I’d heard this song a few times without paying it much attention until one time it was on the radio and suddenly I mysteriously quite enjoyed it, noticing it’s resemblance to the one great song made by Arcade Fire, Rebellion (Lies) in it’s repetition, similar vocal style and the way it kind of washes over you before you realise its aceness in a sudden moment of “oh, I get it now!” That night I woke up at some ridiculous hour and what was going round my head? Oh Mandy, oh Mandy-ee! Over and over again, it got kind of annoying but now I must admit I love this song.

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