The Next Big Thing?

Skylar GreyConsidering she won’t even allow pictures of herself onto the internet (“Need you my face if you’ve already found my soul embedded in my music?” she recently tweeted), chances of Skylar Grey turning into a fully-fledged pop superstar are probably quite slim. However, when I read her Wikipedia page I simply had to write… Continue reading The Next Big Thing?

The Next Big Thing?

Chasing PlutoWhat would you get if you crossed Hurts with Ellie Goulding? Probably something very much like Chasing Pluto, a fantastic new pop duo based in London. I feel quite ashamed that I’ve only just heard of them (although I do remember someone mentioning a ‘new Eurythmics’ which could have been them?) as they seem… Continue reading The Next Big Thing?

The Next Big Thing: an A to Z of 2010

I really enjoyed putting together my A-Z last year, as it gave me a chance to talk about some of my favourite new acts as well as pass judgement on those that everyone and their gran had heralded as the next big thing. Therefore I’ve decided to do it again for 2010. Over the next… Continue reading The Next Big Thing: an A to Z of 2010