Idol ft. Bard part 3

A little delayed but here is the third episode of Idol 2011 for your enjoyment. Click here to watch the show in full and read on for my top 5 best bits… Weird Swedish humour of the day: Surprising a wannabe singer by blindfolding her and plonking her in front of the judges. Luckily she… Continue reading Idol ft. Bard part 3

Idol + Bard = ?

Since pop genius Alexander Bard has joined this year’s judging panel, there’s more reason than ever to forget about X Factor and get obsessed with Swedish Idol instead. You can watch both if you want, but you will soon find yourself wishing that even 5% of the Swedes who make it through the Idol auditions… Continue reading Idol + Bard = ?

It’s a Girl Thing

Yesterday I gave you my top 10 reasons why I adore Sweden’s Idol series, and today I want to share with you the 10 best contestants of Idol 2010 so far. I won’t write about them all individually, but they are all very much worth watching. From X Factor so far this year I’d only… Continue reading It’s a Girl Thing

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