A mystery solved!

Around the turn of the century a boyband existed called Northern Line. One of the members was called Andy, and a couple of years later he reappeared as a top 30 contestant on the first series of Pop Idol, going on to join the cast of We Will Rock You, and I even spotted him performing with the cast on the Royal Jubilee a few years ago – no-one knew his name but he still did pretty well out of that Pop Idol appearance. Now onto the mystery: a couple of years after my last sighting, I noticed that the X Factor theme tune was written by someone called Andy Love. I presumed it would be another person, because it just seemed too random for him to turn up yet again, but now he’s making yet another small-scale comeback as he has been mentioned on a few pop blogs with a MySpace and some sadly quite useless songs. Never mind, as the popstar with nine lives I’m sure he’ll get to the top eventually, even if he is in his 60s by that point.

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