So many comebacks I’m getting dizzy!

It was just the other day I was instructing you all to buy a copy of The Honeymoon’s phenomenally ace album Dialogue, and now I hear that lovely Icelandic lady Thorunn from the group is back, again sharing singing duties with a bloke, although she doesn’t seem to be getting much of a look-in as he drones on in all their MySpace tracks. The new act is an up-and-coming indie-rock band called Fields, not to be confused with Field Music, who sadly are actually better than Fields. What’s going on Miss Honeymoon?

Another case of an ex-member of a band I used to adore (again pretty much on my own, as no-one paid any attention to my fangirling) joining a rather less brilliant new group is XYP, the new home of Bart from K-Otic. It’s another 6-piece pop group based in Amsterdam, but their music (although successful in Holland, so better than any of the others apart from Sita have managed) is the stuff that even Liberty X would reject.

Sort it out, someone!

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