New Pop on the Block

Clock Opera – Belongings (Listen)
This song is calm, subtle and contemplative – none of which are adjectives I’d normally use to describe the music I like. However, there’s something about this particular track which has really charmed me. I used to listen much more to songs which weren’t instant, but reaped rewards in time. I haven’t been spending time lately on giving less immediate songs a chance, but this one has inspired me to get back to that approach to music. I love the way it builds up into a stronger, fuller sound, and its intricacy means there are always new things to notice about the song with every listen. Play it on headphones for full effect.
73% Poptastic!

Fallulah – Out Of It (Watch)
On watching the performance I linked to above of Danish singer Fallulah’s new single, I was instantly a fan, but I have to say I’m not quite as excited about her as I have been about similar acts in the past. This quirky-girl-pop sound is one of my favourite sub-genres of pop, but I can’t see what Fallulah is bringing to it that’s new and different. She’s a great singer and performer, but I’m not itching to put the song on my iPod or even to listen to it again, which is in sharp contrast to how I reacted the first time I heard Million Pieces, A Little Bit and Robot Song. It’s a good song, but as more and more artists are being launched in this vein, the competition to be the best is getting tougher and Fallulah has made a good first effort but will have to try much harder if she really wants to compete.
78% Poptastic!


  1. oh my, i'm so behind. I knew not of either of these – i must check them out instantly 🙂 I do love a good new pop on the block from you!!

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