Song of the Week: Elohim – Bridge and the Wall

Taken from this week’s Future Pop mailer. Click here to subscribe.

This is the second song I’ve really enjoyed from LA singer, musician and producer Elohim, so it’s time she got a mention here! While her debut She Talks Too Much was a bouncy electro tune with a twisted message, Bridge and the Wall has more of an indie-pop flavour and an exuberant, chanted chorus reminiscent of Icona Pop or even the similarly-named Tilly and the Wall. I feel it’s a step in the right direction, distinguishing Elohim from the parade of electro-R&B dullards, and I’m curious now to hear more from her. Elohim follows the trend of a mysterious launch, choosing not to show her face in any press photos, but you can catch a glimpse under the fringe in her live performances such as this one from CMJ.

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