Song of the Week: Tempo Elektrik & PKay ft. Martin Carr – Going Out

Taken from this week’s Future Pop mailer. Click here to subscribe.

Every so often on a Friday night I get a craving for some cheap ’n’ cheerful dance music, so I tune into Steve Smart’s show on Kiss FM. I’ve discovered some brilliant remixes and club hits, and I’ll always find something to Shazam. A few months ago I discovered a song that wasn’t Shazam-able… it wasn’t even anywhere to be found online. I noted down the details anyway, and kept Googling every few weeks until it finally appeared. Going Out is a 90s house-style remake of a 1997 R&B song called Bizzi’s Party, which was best known in the form of a remix by Booker T. I wasn’t familiar with the original or the remix but I love this new version, which amps up the cheese and highlights the brilliant hook. It hasn’t taken off so far, but I could totally imagine drunk students and young clubbers loving this track, with its joyously dated shout-outs to the “ladies” and “fellas” in the house. Until that happens, I’ll just show my appreciation by dancing in my chair.

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