Question Time with Remi Nicole

You’ll probably remember Remi from 2007 when she released a few small hit singles, including Go Mr Sunshine, which got strong support from Radio 1, and my personal favourite, Rock ‘n’ Roll. She’s now back with a new single and new album and is one of the priority acts at her label this year, so fingers crossed her hard work will pay off and she’ll soon be as famous as her celebrity pal, Amy Winehouse. I had a quick chat with Remi, which you can read below:

Do you see your new material as a big departure from your previous work?
Not so much as a departure but an extension. Obviously I am older now and have improved musically and matured.

The Standing Tears Apart video looks like it was great fun to make. What was the best bit?
The bit with my family. The kids loved it and had such a good time, so it was fun to have them all there.

Are your songs generally written from personal experience?
Yes totally, or the personal experience of hearing someone else’s personal experience!

Which contemporary acts would you most and least like to be compared to?
Of course I would prefer not to be compared to anyone, as I feel this new album is like nothing out there at the moment, but I know it’s inevitable. I don’t mind who people compare me to, it makes no difference.

How do you think the music industry has changed since you released your first album two years ago?
I think nothing has changed in the sense that you still need “the song” and radio play to have success but now you can’t buy singles in shops, and music is getting more and more available, and consequently this makes it even more difficult to sell records.

What has been the proudest moment of your music career so far?
Making this album!

I also have 3 signed copies of Remi’s forthcoming album, Cupid Shoot Me, to give away. If you’d like to win a copy, e-mail me before the end of July at with 3 reasons why you deserve to win, and I’ll announce the lucky recipients at the beginning of August.

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