It’s all me, me, me

Brandon from the hushhush ATTACK! music industry newsletter asked to interview me about blogging, so I thought I’d post my answers up here and invite you to send in your own questions for me if you have any – e-mail me at or leave them in the comments box and I’ll compile them in a future feature.

a) When did you start your blog
June 2003 – it’s been going just over 4 years now!

b) Your background (past jobs etc)
Blogging is not my job (I don’t make any money from it). I am currently a student of English Literature and I work in an office in the summer. At the moment I’m working for a legal recruitment company, but I probably won’t continue this career path after university. I’m thinking of teaching English as a foreign language – any excuse to get out of England!

c) What is its primary focus / mission statement
“Who needs guitars anyway?” – it’s about pop music and nothing else.

d) Artists you have supported prior to them “breaking”
Most of the new pop acts who’ve broken through during my time writing Dirrrty Pop have been featured on the blog before they became successful, for example Mika, Kate Nash and The Pipettes.

e) Current favorite artists
I’m From Barcelona, Rufus Wainwright, Patrick Wolf, Bodies Without Organs, Darren Hayes

f) Best way of sending you music / advice for bands sending tunes
I have no interest in music sent in to me by bands and it is highly unlikely I will ever feature it, mainly because the music I get sent is almost always awful and of no relevance to my site, so I rarely even listen to it. I like to find music for myself and if you’re good enough to be on my blog you will find your way there eventually.

g) Your top 3 blogs
I hate to pick favourites but here are some I love:

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