Since I didn’t tweet Eurovision this year I haven’t had chance to discuss all my favourite bits, so here is my top 10 most exciting moments of this year’s final…
1. Eric Saade reading out the results for Sweden! I had no idea this was going to happen so it was a brilliant surprise as he’s one of my favourite popstars of the moment. I was also very excited to see Verka Seduchka’s surprise appearance in the Ukraine home video!
2. Lena’s winning speech – “do I have to sing now?”, the weird kissing moment with Alex Rybak, not being able to hold her trophy and hiding under the German flag, sure to become a classic Eurovision moment like when Dana International fell over giving the trophy to Charlotte Perelli.
3. Spain’s stage-crasher – another one for the history books! Has this ever happened before? I was impressed by Neo (or whatever his name was) carrying on like nothing happened. Shame it didn’t happen to a better entry so we could hear that again instead.
4. There were several amusing vote announcers as usual – the Eastern girl with an Aussie accent, the Israeli Dale Winton and the man who sang his votes being particular favourites.
5. The international flashmob was surprisingly entertaining and I especially enjoyed the bit where they went to webcams in houses all over Europe. There were dancing dogs and grooving grannies aplenty.
6. The Danish song in general (definitely my favourite) and especially the bit where they sped away from each other on hidden escalators, which was new for the final. I wonder, if people had only been able to vote at the end of the show like usual, would Denmark (on last) have won?
7. Iceland’s key change – there weren’t many proper pop songs in the contest this year, but Hera Bjork’s Je Ne Sais Quoi definitely made up for it. It was a schlager-disco-ballad the Swedes would be proud of.
8. Hanne Sorvaag having two songs in the final! I interviewed her a while ago and she was lovely, so I was very pleased to see her name in the credits of Norway and Georgia’s entries, the latter being one of the best ballads this year.
9. Flyfishing champion (and Eurovision presenter) Erik’s facial expressions. Just watch back a few clips and you’ll see what I mean. Whenever we paused the show when he was speaking, the image was always hilarious!
10. Catchy tunes – the theme this year seemed to be songs with a seriously infectious tune but not such memorable lyrics e.g. Greece, France and Moldova. All great to dance to in the Euroclub though I’m sure.
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性感遊戲 一葉晴貼影片區 av127 影音視訊交友 yes123日本即時通視訊女郎帳號 av 女優 卡通美女短片免費試看 a片天堂台灣論壇成人a漫畫 a片av 短片 都都成人站 百事免費av視訊聊天網 2sex999情人輔助品 上班族追愛聯盟 日本av女優 85cc免費聊天室 上班族視訊情色小站 s38視訊聊天avdd 亞洲限制級成人影片區 月光論壇080大學生視訊 視訊美女manhattan 成人夜色直播 tt1069交友 小妹妹援交友留言桃園 gogo2sex無碼女優情色 台灣藝人模特兒 av 女優,黑色會美眉 3y3成人色色網 熊貓成人貼,無碼a片 77p2p影片網中文版 38girl免費視訊聊天 色情漫畫777美女 免費彩虹頻道 打手槍 383成人 免費成人影片觀賞avdvd qq 美美色網漫畫 77p2p影片網愛田 sexy girl色妹妹視訊 百分百成人圖片美女寫真34c bbs論壇本土自拍 台灣kiss色網 kk124視訊俱樂部 卡通aa片hilive tv 免費電影天堂 性感用品性易購 南部已婚聊天室 080 aio甜心寶貝貼片微風論壇 18-成人交友區 情人高雄辣妹視訊34c xxx免費無碼a片 美眉共和國080情人網 080情人同志交友網 美女kk69
The hidden escalators bit wasn’t new for the final, of course unless I’m misunderstanding something.
Other than that i completely agree with all of these.
The hidden escalators bit wasn't new for the final, of course unless I'm misunderstanding something.
Other than that i completely agree with all of these.
yes Eric definitely was the highlight, although the ferocity of the wind machine on Chanee and N’Evergreen (aka Roxette) was quite amusing too! I missed the invader due a bathroom break because I thought the song was shockingly similar to Alex Rybak’s 2009 entry!!
yes Eric definitely was the highlight, although the ferocity of the wind machine on Chanee and N'Evergreen (aka Roxette) was quite amusing too! I missed the invader due a bathroom break because I thought the song was shockingly similar to Alex Rybak's 2009 entry!!