Not for the music but for the discussion I just heard when I turned on the radio. They were saying how the female readership of Kerrang has shot up, and the reason for this is because they all started buying it when Charlie left Busted and joined a heavy metal band. Have I not been saying this for years? Busted are the root of all evil! Or at least all the problems with the current music scene. Of course there have been much worse bands in existence, and the other two seemed like nice lads, but the ethics they taught the generation of kids from my age and younger are absolutely terrible, and if we already have a music industry where using an instrument other than a guitar is so rare it’s actually a novelty, how dire is it going to be in years to come when these kids are the main influence in the music media? Note to self: leave country asap (I am actually, in 2 weeks! wooo!)